**Please read before getting in touch**

For any PR/Sponsored content , please enquire via email or Instagram DMs .

I will try and get back ASAP , but please allow me a few days – As I have a full-time job.

If you’re working on a specific campaign with particular timelines and deliverables, please ensure you have a budget available for this work.

Content – A Casual Brunette blog is written and edited based on my personal experience. Copying or Reposting without consent is prohibited. If you wish to use my photos or content, please contact me.

PR Samples/Sponsors – Products featured in this blog are either purchased on my own or provided by the brand as a gift or for review purposes and/or sponsored. Any products sent to A Casual Brunette for consideration will be marked with an asterisk (*) and will be mentioned in the post. I will not accept all PR samples sent to me if they do not fit the blogs aesthetic/audience and are not guaranteed to be reviewed unless terms of collaboration have been agreed upon.
Whether a product is gifted or not, will not affect my opinion as I strive to provide readers with honest & accurate reviews.
Products will be considered on a case by case basis and reviewed following a rigorous testing period. This testing period will be for a minimum of 6 weeks for any skincare products and rest would be conveyed depending on the product. Social media posts are also not guaranteed until a product has been tested. If you are wanting to guarantee a blog post or social media content, please contact saniya@acasualbrunette.com for rates .

A Casual Brunette is not a make-up artist, beauty , skincare expert or certified professional in this field, therefore any recommendations should be attempted at your own risk.

If you have any questions or would like to collaborate with A Casual Brunette, please send an email at saniya@acasualbrunette.com